Follow the Action in Frankfort with the KLC Bill Tracker!

KLC Bill Tracker

The KLC Bill Tracker is now available for you to find and review bills that could impact your city. This report is updated in real-time and includes all bills that KLC is actively working during the legislative session.

The report shows where bills are in the legislative process, KLC's analysis, and its position.

For more in-depth information, please sign up for the KLC Legislative Bulletin, a weekly e-blast sent to city officials every Friday.

Definitions of Monitoring

Here are definitions KLC uses to describe the status and level of support or opposition when referring to specific legislation.


  • KLC actively opposes this legislation because it infringes upon local decision-making, threatens or negatively impacts city revenues, or is otherwise harmful to city government.

Under Evaluation

  • KLC is studying and monitoring the legislation to determine the impact it could have on cities before taking a position.


  • Bill would have peripheral effect on cities in general or issues that are specific to certain municipalities. KLC closely monitors these bills in case a stronger position is needed.


  • Issue directly affecting cities that KLC is pro-actively working. Look in the staff comment field to determine if it is a KLC initiative or part of this year's Legislative Agenda.


  • Bill that has passed both the House of Representatives and the Senate.