
Kentucky City Magazine

Kentucky City is the official publication of the Kentucky League of Cities. The magazine is produced five times per year and distributed to nearly 7,000 mayors, city managers, clerks, and city department heads and other leaders throughout Kentucky, including legislators.


2025 City Officials Legal Handbook

The City Officials Legal Handbook covers the legal issues that matter most to city officials in an easy-to-read narrative format. Topics include annexation, incompatible offices, personnel matters, ethics, ordinances, open meetings and open records, public purpose spending, budgeting, auditing, and planning and zoning. The 2025 edition not only updates core topics but also provides the information you need.  

You can purchase the 2025 edition here.

KLC Disaster Preparedness & Response Handbook

The KLC Disaster Preparedness & Response Handbook provides recommendations and guidelines for various essential public offices and services. It is designed to be a rip-and-run publication with position-specific sections that city officials can print individually. 

2024 KLC Code Enforcement Handbook

The Kentucky League of Cities released a new Local Government Code Enforcement Handbook for 2024. Included in the latest edition are updated model ordinances for cities seeking to establish a code enforcement board, full-text copies of updated state statutes governing code enforcement, an explanation of the code enforcement process, and model forms designed to assist cities in developing customized forms for official use. Order the 2024 Code Enforcement Handbook

Local Official’s Guide to Brownfield Redevelopment

The Kentucky League of Cities worked with the Kentucky Brownfield Program (KBP) to develop the Local Official’s Guide to Brownfield Redevelopment. The “how to” guide outlines the basics of identifying and assessing properties, resources, and ways to get started with a project. Download the guide

Kentucky Alcohol Statutes and Regulations: A Guide from KLC Municipal Law & Training

This user-friendly guide is a full resource regarding ABC laws in the Commonwealth of Kentucky.  Download the guide


KLC DirectLine

KLC members may receive KLC DirectLine, our bi-weekly online newsletter at no charge. KLC DirectLine is geared to provide a variety of timely information and is distributed to officials and employees of KLC member cities.

Request e-newsletter

KLC Capitol Watch

KLC’s government affairs team needs member participation to advocate in the best interest of cities and achieve positive results. To keep members informed minute to minute, KLC provides a weekly Capitol Watch email during the legislative session and a bi-weekly notice throughout the interim period. 

Request the Capitol Watch newsletter