The Kentucky League of Cities (KLC) award for City Employee of the Year recognizes outstanding city employees and celebrates their achievements.
Nominees must be a nonelected full-time employee of a Kentucky city that is a member of KLC. The award is open to all city employees including appointed employees (city clerks, managers, administrators, police and fire chiefs, etc.). There is no limit to the number of employees that may be nominated by one person. Nominees must be working in their city capacity on the date of nomination. All nominations must be submitted by Friday July 11, 2025.
KLC executive staff will present the award in the winner’s home city during an event/virtual event. KLC will work with the winner and city staff to determine the best venue.
A special video will recognize the winner on social media, online, and during KLC events/virtual events. The video will be used in KLC social media and may be used locally by the winner in his or her city. A donation will be made by KLC to a Kentucky city program/project or qualified charity of the winner’s choice in his or her honor in the amount of $1,000. The winner will be recognized in KLC publications and by local media (including customized releases for local media.)
Nominations will be judged on the following criteria:
The nominee is a role model/example of exceptional public service.
The nominee demonstrates qualities that exemplify a good employee such as leadership, professionalism, efficiency, innovation, dedication, creativity, and teamwork.
The nominee positively represents the city.
The nominee consistently makes a valuable contribution to improving his or her department and city services.
The nominee must work in a full-time position in a city that is a member of KLC.
One complete copy of the entry must be submitted online at before 5:00 p.m. EDT on Friday July 11, 2025.
Supplemental materials, if any, should be limited to 10 pages and can include news releases, news or media clippings, or other materials that support the nomination. If submitting the nomination online, the total file size for supplemental materials may not exceed 25 MB and must be in one of the following formats: .jpg, .jpeg, .gif, .doc, .docx, .png, or .pdf.
Information and photos may be used in web, social, video, and print media and will not be returned unless requested. If not submitted online, all nomination materials should be sent to 100 East Vine Street, Suite 800, Lexington, KY 40507. All entry materials become property of KLC. By submitting photos, you are giving KLC the right to use images on web, social, video, and print media platforms and are certifying that all copyrights and permissions have been obtained to do so.
KLC will make a donation to a Kentucky city program/project or qualified charity of the winner’s choice in the amount of $1,000. The charity must be a Kentucky nonprofit corporation or a 501(c)(3) recognized by the Internal Revenue Service and in good standing with the Kentucky Secretary of State; must not be partisan or sectarian; and must be approved by KLC in its sole discretion.
Anyone submitting an online application will receive a confirmation email.
For more information, contact Member Relations Manager Terri Johnson or call 859.977.3784.