Homelessness, Housing Insecurity, and Affordable Housing

Homelessness and housing insecurity are realities in every community in Kentucky. Professionals in the social services and affordable housing fields believe that city leaders must be part of any solution to these issues. The Kentucky League of Cities Homelessness and Housing effort is an ongoing initiative (launched in 2021) to provide information and resources for members.

Homelessness, Housing Insecurity, and Affordable Housing

KLC's July 2022 publication How To: A Step-by-Step Guide to Examine Homelessness and Affordable Housing in Your City, can help communities assess housing and homelessness locally. The digital guide provides links, valuable contacts, and resources throughout Kentucky. It also features suggestions on recruiting affordable housing developers and a section on how to serve as a local convener to discuss the challenges associated with affordable housing and homelessness in your community.

Homelessness and Housing Insecurity 

Persons experiencing homelessness and housing insecurity can be anyone-our parents, siblings, children, or friends. View video profiles of Kentuckians who have experienced homelessness.

It's Not Who You Think

Children and Youth

Affordable Housing and Attracting New Development/Rehab Projects 

There are huge gaps statewide for affordable and available housing. Studies from 2017-2019 estimate that Kentucky is short between 78,000 – 100,000 affordable homes/units to rent. And COVID only made it worse. The Kentucky Housing Corporation (KHC) is the funding source for most federal housing-related funds. With some exceptions (Lexington and Louisville), Kentucky cities do not receive direct funding, so city leaders need to understand what is happening in their jurisdiction and region regarding housing funds.

EKU/KLC Partnership Study – A Housing and Homelessness Snapshot for Every Kentucky County

KLC partnered with the Eastern Kentucky University (EKU) Department of Government to provide a detailed snapshot of homelessness and housing in every Kentucky county. Learn more about the findings here.

Kentucky Center for Statistics

Another excellent source for housing, homelessness and many other types of information is the Kentucky Center for Statistics

KLC November 9, 2021, Homeless Summit: Housing and Hope

Read the KLC DirectLine e-newsletter and check KLC Training.

Digital Resources

KLC Partner Organizations: (Call KLC if you would like specific contact names)

Email KLC Member Relations Manager Terri Johnson or call 859-977-3784 with questions.