Kentucky expects to receive more than $460 million after a major settlement with pharmaceutical companies over the opioid crisis. Half of the money will go to cities and counties to help battle the opioid epidemic at the local level. What does that mean for your city, and what action do you need to take to make sure your community has the funds needed? This question and answer session with representatives from the Kentucky Office of Attorney General will explain where Kentucky fits into the national opioid settlement and what cities can do to maximize their recovery.
Moderator: Morgain Patterson, KLC director of Municipal Law
Presenter: Blake R. Christopher, deputy general counsel & director of Legal Policy, Kentucky Department of Law
Click Here for an Overview of the Settlement and Explanation of the Registration Process for cities.
The deadline for participation to maximize your city’s settlement benefits is January 2, 2022.
There are no registration fees for this event.
More info coming soon!
Director of Municipal Law