The Kentucky League of Cities Book Club is another unique way for KLC members to connect. It highlights topics relevant to cities and leadership from books focused on Kentucky communities, programs, and individuals. There is no charge to participate.
"The Power of 10%...How Small Changes Can Make a BIG Difference" by Eric Harvey and Michelle Sedas.
Leaders and successful people make an extra effort every day of their lives, even when they don’t feel like it, even when they don’t like the person across the table, even when things are out of control. This book explains how the choices we make, the words we say, and the actions we take not only impact our lives, but also the lives of those around us. Participants will discuss how to use the book with employees, teams, and groups, and will be encouraged to tell their own stories or those of others who they admire.
Credit: 1 hour of City Officials Training Center credit and/or Training Incentive Program (House Bill 119) credit is available.
KLC Member: $0
Non-Member: $50
More info coming soon!