Most cities have brownfields. Brownfield properties can be small or large and do not necessarily need millions of dollars in remediation. These spots are sometimes diamonds in the rough and can be safely transformed into private businesses, housing developments, city parks, and more. They can be the foundation of a smart economic development mix as a tool for redevelopment.
Part of the challenge is rethinking how local officials view these properties and their potential, even former sites of gas stations, factories, or other spots where chemicals (or asbestos) were once present.
The Local Official's Guide to Brownfield Redevelopment provides guidance on the redevelopment process and addresses misinformation and perceived liability where they often do not exist. The easy-to-use and succinct digital guide was created at the request of the Kentucky League of Cities to help local officials get the most out of KBP's outstanding services and learn how to access state and federal funding and resources.
KLC has critical partnerships around this important aspect of economic and community development. By tapping into these resources, city leaders can become educated on the basics of brownfield redevelopment and how it can aid in economic development within their community.
For more information, contact KLC staff or access the following resources.
Kentucky Brownfield Program – assists with understanding brownfields, provides assessments for properties, and technical assistance for grants.
additional information
Technical Assistance to Brownfield Communities (TAB) Program - The New Jersey Institute of Technology (NJIT) serves the TAB Program's Region 4, which includes Kentucky. NJIT provides free technical assistance to local governments and nonprofits, including guidance on funding opportunities, reviewing and critiquing grant applications, developing strategic plans, community assets and needs workshops, explaining cleanup technologies, and more.
National Infrastructure Hub – provides rotating boot camp training on critical topics (including brownfields).