Certified City of Ethics


Certification under the Kentucky League of Cities (KLC) Certified City of Ethics Program is a way to recognize cities and city officials that have adopted principles and procedures that offer guidance on ethical issues. It also serves as a mechanism to resolve complaints at the local level. In addition, this program increases public trust and confidence in city governments and their services through the training and recognition that it promotes.

Residents and businesses expect efficiency, inclusiveness, and ethical leadership from local government. Aspire to be a KLC Certified City of Ethics.

Any KLC member city may apply for this multi-faceted certification program by following these steps:

  • Adopt a resolution to conduct an in-depth review of the city’s current ethics ordinance. 
  • Review KLC’s model ethics ordinance and the city’s current ethics ordinance with KLC Personnel Services. 
  • Adopt and publish the amended ethics ordinance. 
  • All elected officials and ethics board members must complete training on the city’s ethics ordinance provided by KLC Personnel Services. 
  • Achieve certification.

Program Costs

The initial meeting, ensuring compliance with KRS 65.003, preparation for training, and the training itself will be $750. Additional costs associated with this program will be mileage from the KLC office to and from the training location and any per diem or hotel if required. The program costs and additional travel costs will be due and payable 30 days from the completion of training.