July 6, 2020

Public Works & Economic Adjustment Assistance

Economic Development

Public Works & Economic Adjustment Assistance

Funder: [Federal] Economic Development Administration (EDA); U.S. Dept. of Commerce (DOC)

Eligible: Local governments including cities and townships, state governments, and special districts.

Application Deadline: Currently ongoing

Description: This grant is intended to provide support for economic development, particularly in distressed communities, which would facilitate private investment and job creation. This opportunity emphasizes the use of regional assets and creativity in the creation and execution of plans to promote economic stability. Preference is given to Opportunity Zones throughout the U.S. among other activity-based criterion. Additional emphasis is placed on coal communities.

Funded Activities:  Recovery and resilience projects for long-term recovery following natural disasters. Critical infrastructure projects (i.e. broadband, roads, energy, etc.). Workforce development, including the planning and implementation of skills-training and related educational/skills-based initiatives.

Atlanta Regional Office
H. Philip Paradice, Jr., Regional Director
401 West Peachtree Street, NW, Suite 1820
Atlanta, GA 30308-3510
(404) 730-3002 Main Office

Additional Information

Link to Application