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Kentucky Supreme Court Hears Arguments on Pension Bill

All seven members of the Kentucky Supreme Court peppered Governor Matt Bevin's general counsel and Attorney General Andy Beshear with questions as they argued before the state's high court on the constitutionality of Senate Bill 151, the pension reform law.

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Kentucky's Drug Epidemic Takes A Toll

Van Ingram, the executive director of the Kentucky Office Of Drug Control Policy, testified Wednesday on the growing number of overdose deaths in the state. The Tobacco Settlement Agreement Fund Oversight Committee also heard how local control is important as cities battle the epidemic.

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Separation Advisory Committee Holds First Meeting

Members of the newly formed advisory subcommittee to study CERS separation have begun to meet. Separation is the top priority for KLC in the 2019 legislative session. The meeting began after a lengthy Public Pension Oversight Board (PPOB) meeting in which Kentucky Retirement Systems executives gave an overview of cash flow and investment returns for the end of Fiscal Year 2018.

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CERS Grows While State Pension System Continues to Struggle

New data released Thursday at the Kentucky Retirement Systems Audit Committee shows CERS grew 6% in Fiscal Year 2018, despite seeing a decline in investment income from the previous fiscal year. The troubled KERS nonhazardous pension plan saw a $44 million loss. KLC believes separation of CERS from KRS is the best path forward to deal with management and administration concerns and ensure its continued growth.

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Local Representatives Take Seats on 911 Board

Taylor Mill Mayor Dan Bell and Williamsburg Mayor Roddy Harrison have been appointed to the new 911 Services Board. It was formed after the governor signed House Bill 424, a KLC initiative to return local representatives to the board.

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Governor Promotes Local Control at Bill Signing

Supporters of House Bill 114 gathered at the Governor's Local Issues Conference for a ceremonial signing of the KLC-supported bill. Governor Matt Bevin told the crowd "I'd rather you'd control your own money."

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Could CERS Have Better Investment Returns?

Returns posted by the Kentucky Retirement Systems for the end of the fiscal year show investments were above benchmarks, but recent changes in asset allocations may drag its numbers down. KLC continues to believe CERS separation is the best path forward for the local pension system to ensure it is not hampered by administration and management concerns.

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Kentucky Supreme Court to Hear Pension Case

The state's highest court has set a September 20 hearing date for the governor's appeal to a Franklin Circuit Court ruling that invalidated the pension law, Senate Bill 151. The Kentucky Supreme Court will now decide if the law was passed legally.

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KLC Board Sets 2019 Legislative Priorities

The KLC Board of Directors has finalized its priorities for the 2019 legislative session with separation of the County Employees Retirement System (CERS), modernization of the road funding formula and flexibility and protection of the state's tax laws topping the list.

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Kentucky Overdose Deaths on the Rise

According to a new report from the Kentucky Office Of Drug Control Policy, the state recorded an 11.5 percent increase in overdose deaths in 2017. While heroin deaths declined, fentanyl and other drugs saw a spike.

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Changes Revenue Bill Will Have on State Budget Hard to Gauge

Economists in charge of mapping out Kentucky's financial future met to discuss the possible impact of tax changes made in the 2018 session. Representatives of the Office of the State Budget Director and Kentucky Department of Revenue testified that it is hard to predict how the fiscal year will fare.

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Loans Approved for Hopkinsville Broadband Project

The city of Hopkinsville is getting help from the state as it expands broadband service. The Capital Projects and Bond Oversight Committee approved loans for the Hopkinsville Electric System for the next phase of a project that Mayor Carter Hendricks says is vital to ensure Hopkinsville becomes a Gig City.

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Governor Wants Judge to Amend Pension Ruling

Governor Bevin's general counsel filed a new motion in the pension lawsuit asking Franklin Circuit Court to alter, amend or vacate a June ruling that declares Senate Bill 151 invalid.

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Federal Commission on School Safety Holds Listening Session in Kentucky

President Trump created the Federal Commission on School Safety after the Parkland, Florida shooting. On Tuesday, it came to Kentucky to hear from Governor Matt Bevin, legislators, law enforcement, the public and others on what the state is doing to try and curb the increase of violence in our schools.

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Members of CERS Separation Group Announced as KRS Testifies on New Investments

PPOB co-chair Jerry Miller announced at a Monday afternoon meeting that members of a subcommittee to study CERS separation have been selected. That information came after testimony from the Kentucky Retirement Systems Board of Trustees Chairman its and Executive Director on a recent decision to adopt a new investment strategy for all plans, including CERS.

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Tax Panel Told Cities Need More Revenue Options

KLC Deputy Executive Director J.D. Chaney told a Kentucky Chamber of Commerce tax panel that cities are looking to the legislature to provide more options to fund the growing demand on city services. Representative Ken Fleming is heading up a new tax task force and hopes to have tax reform by 2020.

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