The Internal Revenue Service adjusted its mileage reimbursement rate for business for 2025 to $0.70 per mile.
Cities must file all required forms with the Kentucky Public Pensions Authority if rehiring retired police officers. Failure to do so could cause a serious financial issue.
Warm weather is here, and school is almost out. The need for good employees in our city remains high, and our members are looking to hire teenage workers for the summer.
Since February 7, 2022, cities have had and will continue to have a far more difficult time securing licensing for entry-level CDL drivers.
KRS 83A.070(1) requires that a city’s legislative body set the compensation of elected city officers by ordinance by the first Monday of May in the year.
Budget season is upon us yet again and KLC Legal would like to take the opportunity to remind you of some important dates and requirements.
With Halloween around the corner, the KLC Municipal Law Dept. thought this might be a good time to remind you about a spooky problem that may be lurking deep in your city.
Animal control in a city is an issue that leads to many questions from our members, especially in cities where there is no city animal control officer.
The first in a series of articles on changes made to the alcohol regulatory fee statute.
Summer festival season is here. This guide outlines how alcohol may be sold at fairs and festivals.
State Laws on fireworks have changed in recent years. Are your local ordinances clearly defined?
The primary election is on May 21. Here's a reminder on the laws governing the sale of alcohol.
Budget season is almost upon us yet again and important dates and requirements are coming soon.
Quota Retail by the Drink Change As of June 7, 2018, quota retail drink licenses are now treated the same as all other alcohol licenses that cities may issue due to the regulatory repeal of 804 KAR 9:050. This means that any city t...