The U.S. Department of Treasury requires non-entitlement cities that received American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds to submit their first project and expenditure report by April 30, 2022. That includes all Kentucky cities except for Ashland, Bowling Green, Covington, Lexington, Louisville, and Owensboro. KLC has reviewed Treasury’s final rule, released on January 6, and other ARPA requirements. KLC Director of Municipal Law Morgain Patterson and Research & Federal Relations Manager Joseph Coleman will answer questions about the reporting requirement in this interactive session.
Who should attend: finance personnel, city attorneys, city managers/administrators, city clerks, mayors, commissioners, and council members
Credit: 1.5 hours of City Officials Training Center credit and/or Training Incentive Program (House Bill 119) credit.
This webinar is free for KLC members.
You can find information, forms, and Treasury documents on the KLC American Rescue Plan Resource Page.
KLC Member: $0
Non-Member: $50
More info coming soon!
Director of Municipal Law