Congratulations to the City of Shively on obtaining KLC City of Ethics certification. Elected officials and other city leaders received training with KLC Personnel Services Managing Attorney Chris Johnson.
Certification under the Kentucky League of Cities Certified City of Ethics Program is a way to recognize cities and city officials that have adopted principles and procedures that offer guidance on ethical issues and a mechanism to resolve complaints at the local level. In addition, the program increases public trust and confidence in city governments and their services through the training and recognition that the program promotes.
Backrow from left: Major Tim Salyer, Symera Talbott candidate for council, Shanell Thompson councilmember, Fire Chief Charles Mucker, Monica Bizzle candidate for council
Front row from left: Mitzi Kasitz city clerk, Kathy Washington administrator of grants and strategic initiatives, Finn Cato city attorney, Mayor Beverly Chester-Burton, Maria Johnson councilmember
Learn how your city can become a KLC Certified City of Ethics.