December 7, 2023

Rural Environmental Public Health Needs Prize - Due Jan. 31

Cities can apply for U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) grants of $25,000 to local government employees and groups of employees to determine creative ways for local governments to collaborate with their citizens to improve environmental health. 

Funding is intended to better understand the challenges and public health concerns faced by rural communities and inclusive approaches to help address those concerns. The goal of this Competition is for local governments to identify innovative and effective ways to holistically engage rural communities around environmental health issues and to identify any associated barriers to better protecting human health. Through increased engagement, this Competition would ideally help local governments and communities better identify and understand rural community-based environmental public health issues, which may help in the protection of the community’s environmental public health.

EPA and its partners will use the solutions from this Competition to learn of unique or innovative strategies for engaging with rural communities and of the environmental public health issues that rural communities are faced with. Local governments that participate in the Competition will demonstrate their innovative strategies for engaging rural communities and present collaboratively identified findings from these engagements through a brief engagement strategy report and a short video.

Click here for more information and to apply.