The Kentucky League of Cities has the statutory responsibility to recommend members for appointment to several state boards, commissions, task forces, and work groups. To fulfill this obligation, KLC submits names to the governor’s office for consideration in filling newly created and expiring board positions. Currently, KLC is seeking individuals who are interested in serving on the following boards:
Composition – The Kentucky Geographic Information Advisory Council shall consist of 24 members and one legislative liaison.
Description – The members shall be knowledgeable in the use and application of geographic information systems technology and shall have sufficient authority within their organizations to influence the implementation of council recommendations.
Term – Four years
Compensation – None
Meetings – Quarterly
Composition – The Kentucky Water Resources Board shall consist of 11 members.
Description - The Kentucky Water Resources Board shall assist the cabinet in conducting research and developing recommendations to enhance the quality of water resources accessible for agricultural production in the state.
Term - Four years
Compensation - None
Meeting Schedule - As needed by chair
If you would like to be considered for a position on one of these boards, please contact Eleanor Barbour before Monday, Jan. 8, 2024.
Eleanor Barbour
Corporate Compliance & Inclusion Officer
100 East Vine Street, Suite 800
Lexington, KY 40507
800.876.4552 ext. 3714