June 28, 2024

Ann Cline Deatherage LEAD Award Applications Due by Aug. 2

Are you passionate about continuous learning?

KLC wants to recognize a mayor who takes education seriously in order to best serve their community. The Kentucky League of Cities created the Ann Cline Deatherage Leadership Enrichment and Development “LEAD” Award to honor a mayor from a smaller city. It provides complimentary registration to two of KLC’s largest training events (the 2024 KLC Conference & Expo and the 2025 City Officials Academy or Summer Summit) and recognition during the 2024 KLC Conference & Expo.

Ann Cline Deatherage was a lifelong public servant who served as councilmember and mayor of the City of Carrollton. After her passing in February 2020, her family wished to endow an award through KLC to honor her legacy, and the Mayor Ann C. Deatherage LEAD Award was established.

In addition to serving in leadership at KLC as a Board of Directors and Executive Board member, Mayor Deatherage had more continuing education hours than any city official in the state. As a result, she inspired a KLC Master’s Level training program to recognize city officials whose commitment to learning reaches an exceptional level. Her devotion to making her city a better place impressed all who knew her and profoundly impacted her community. Through the scholarship, her example will enable others to follow her lead.

Apply for the 2024 LEAD Award. Applications are due by Aug. 2, 2024.

Learn more about the 2023 winner