Mayors have a duty to distribute open records and open meetings publications to newly elected officials and newly appointed board or commission members. KRS 65.055 requires mayors to distribute “Guide to Open Records and Open Meetings Acts” and “Managing Government Records: A Cooperative Undertaking” within 60 days of when the term of office begins. (Jan. 1 for newly elected officials and the next meeting for new appointees). This distribution requirement applies to re-elected and re-appointed officials as well.
Mayors must also obtain a signed certificate of distribution from each person to whom the publications are provided. The certificate of distribution is on the last page of the “Guide to Open Records and Open Meetings Acts.” Mayors can provide the publications by email to newly elected officials and newly appointed board or commission members who agree to receive documents by email. However, the certification must be signed and provided to the mayor. The signature can be an electronic signature that is typed into the signature line as authorized by KRS 369.107(4).
Once the mayor obtains the certificates of distribution, those must be emailed to the Kentucky Office of the Attorney General at or mailed to:
Open Records
Office of the Attorney General
700 Capitol Avenue, Suite 118
Frankfort, KY 40601
If legislative changes to the Kentucky Open Records or Open Meetings Acts occur, mayors are once again required to distribute the materials. The Kentucky League of Cities Department of Municipal Law will provide updated information when the mayor’s duty to distribute these materials is triggered.