February 26, 2025

REMINDER: Renewal Applications Needed by March 14

It is time again for Kentucky League of Cities Insurance customers to submit renewal applications.

Members are asked to submit completed renewal applications using the KLC Insurance Portal by March 14, 2025, which will allow us to provide renewal packets by mid-May.

Once logged in, locate the KLC Insurance block and "Click Here." On the right, you will see "Action Items for You," with one item per policy type you have with KLC Insurance. Your agent will have the same access to the applications, which are set up as fillable forms. Once completed, click the submit button to send the renewal applications to your underwriter. There is also an option to "Save for Later" if it can't be completed in one sitting.

Cyber liability coverage will again be an option with this renewal. The applicable premium charge is noted on the renewal application’s cyber section, and the coverage and premium will only be included if the cyber section is completed.

Portal login instructions and renewal application instructions are available as PDFs.

Contact KLC Director of Underwriting Suzanne Reed or call 859.977.3753 for more information.

Thank you for supporting your member-owned Kentucky League of Cities Insurance program. Our mission remains to serve those who serve.