March 24, 2025

NLC Advancing Economic Mobility Grant - Due April 30, 2025

All cities, regardless of size, can impact the upward economic mobility of residents. They can promote equity and opportunity through their day-to-day operations, programs, and services. They can tap into unique municipal roles and levers to build lasting outcomes for all residents – such as community partner, model employer, funder, priority setter, and equity leader.

Advancing the upward economic mobility of residents has a direct positive impact on the financial health and long-term viability of municipalities. Economically secure families can better weather the ebbs and flows of income drops and unexpected expenses. They are less likely to rely on municipal services and support and more likely to maintain housing and utility payments and provide revenue for cities via sales, property or income taxes.

In addition to receiving grant funding, municipalities selected for the grant opportunity will benefit from a comprehensive support package. This includes monthly coaching calls with NLC staff, engagement with the EMPN, and training on key economic mobility resources, including Opportunity Insights’ Opportunity Atlas, Results for America’s Economic Mobility Catalog, and the Urban Institute’s Upward Mobility Framework.

Municipalities that apply for the rapid grant opportunity should demonstrate that their efforts are focused on one of the following areas:

• Creating quality employment opportunities for residents;
• Equitable support to strengthen or start small businesses; or
• Helping residents connect with government-sponsored residential services or public benefits such as Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), the Child Tax Credit (CTC), Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC), or free tax preparation services.

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