The KLC Insurance Services law enforcement program helps cities save money, improve outcomes, and literally saves lives. Participation in the KLC Insurance Services pool includes many loss control benefits at no additional cost to members.
For more information on how the Loss Control Law Enforcement program can benefit your city, contact Brian Nunn or John Clark.
The Kentucky League of Cities Insurance Services offers the Ti Response to Resistance Training System to insurance members. The system is the nation's most advanced virtual training tool, providing officers multiple real-life scenarios to sharpen their situational response skills. The units are portable and are scheduled through our law enforcement consultants.
One of the most valuable benefits we offer members through the KLC Insurance Services Loss Control and Risk Management Service is the expertise of our law enforcement consultants. These professionals are highly trained, experienced officers working as consultants with KLC Insurance Services members throughout Kentucky.
The response to resistance training program is one of many tools our law enforcement team provides KLC Insurance Services members. Model policies are also provided to our member agencies and provide a foundation for standard operating procedures that are backed by the Public Agency Training Council (PATC), the country's largest law enforcement training entity.
Through the history of KLC Insurance Services we have observed a need for departments to have model policies that address the critical areas of law enforcement. Because of this need we have contracted Jack Ryan and the Legal & Liability Risk Management Institute to provide our departments with key model policies.
KLC Insurance Services Law Enforcement Model Policies
KLC Insurance Services BLUE Papers - The KLC Insurance Services law enforcement program creates BLUE papers to address critical and timely issues.
Additional Articles / Documents
KLC Insurance Services Hosted Training - Our current schedule of training events.
2024 Response to Active Resistance - Ti Training Calendar
Ti Simulator Trainer Video Part 1
Ti Simulator Trainer Video Part 2
KLC Insurance Services Defensive Driving/Pursuit Decision Making Seminars
The Kentucky League of Cities (KLC) and the Kentucky Association of Counties (KACo) partnered with The Department of Criminal Justice Training (DOCJT) to develop a series of eight-hour Kentucky Law Enforcement Council (KLEC)-certified emergency driving classes. These classes satisfy requirements for HB 298 (Jill’s Law), which requires all law enforcement in Kentucky to complete at least four hours of emergency driving training every two years.
Law Enforcement Resources and Websites
For direct assistance regarding law enforcement benefits contact:
Andrea Brown Eslami, Justice Program Administrator, Department of Criminal Justice Training Office: 859.622.5814
State Benefits Deceased Law Enforcement Officer
Disability Information Sheet Law Enforcement Officer