Weekly HR News - Hiring
Police Officer Reimbursement Contracts – Changes Effective June 29, 2017
When hiring police officers, many cities enter into contracts that require reimbursement for the initial hiring costs if the officer leaves to go to another law enforcement agency. Initial hiring costs include, but are not limited to, the application process, training costs, equipment costs, salary and fringe benefits. The time frame allowed for reimbursement is from the officer’s initial application until his or her graduation from the Department of Criminal Justice Training (DOCJT). In addition, these reimbursement costs are required to be made by the law enforcement agency that hires the police officer away from the initial agency.
Prior to the 2017 legislation session, the public agency could only receive a prorated amount based upon the percentage of time that the officer completed during his or her employment contract and reduced by the cost of the training provided by the DOCJT for the officer. HB 337 amended KRS 70.290 by removing the prorated requirement. The statute now states that the amount of reimbursement authorized “shall not be prorated, and shall be for the full amount” of the initial hiring costs from the officer’s initial application until their graduation from DOCJT. This change is effective for any new hires after June 29, 2017.
For questions on this or a sample contract, contact KLC Personnel Services Specialist Andrea Shindlebower Main.