September 9, 2020

Are You Ready for Election Day?

Are You Ready for Election Day?

Everyone is gearing up for Election Day on November 6th, and while you’re preparing for the return of the polls, be sure to communicate your city’s voting leave policy with employees to ensure they understand their rights as well as requirements.

Kentucky provides one of the most generous leave laws for voting in this country.  KRS 118.035 states “any person entitled to a vote at any election in this state shall, if he has made application for leave prior to the day he appears before the county clerk to request an application for or to execute an absentee ballot, be entitled to absent himself from any services or employment in which he is then engaged or employed for a reasonable time, but not less than four hours on the day he appears before the clerk to request an application for or to execute an absentee ballot, during normal business hours of the office of the clerk or to cast his ballot on the day of the election between the time of opening and closing the polls. The employer may specify the hours during which an employee may absent himself.”

Follow these steps to ensure that Election Day goes smoothly in your workplace:

  • Read your voting leave policy, as well as the law, and make sure it is applied equally to all employees.
  • Make sure supervisors are aware of how much notice an employee is supposed to give and how much time the employee can take to vote.
  • If the time to vote is unpaid make sure that is clear to any employees that request it.
  • Do not retaliate against an employee who follows the policy; however, make it clear that failure to vote (which can and should be verified) during their voting leave can result in disciplinary action.

For more information on personnel policies or any other personnel-related matters, contact Andrea Shindlebower Main.