April 26, 2021
The U.S. Department of the Treasury released information about the requirements for cities to receive their American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds. Although Treasury has not yet released allocation amounts, cities may need to act before receiving their money.
Treasury will provide Coronavirus State and Local Fiscal Recovery Fund money directly to entitlement communities — Ashland, Bowling Green, Covington, Elizabethtown, Henderson, Hopkinsville, Lexington, Louisville, and Owensboro. The Kentucky Department for Local Government (DLG) will allocate money to all other Kentucky cities. By law, Treasury must provide the funds to entitlement communities and DLG by May 10, 2021. DLG then has no more than 30 days to distribute the money to non-entitlement cities.
To ensure your city receives its funding in a timely manner, you may need to take certain actions before funds are available. Cities will need the following to access their funds:
Treasury will release program guidance and the final allocations for the Coronavirus State and Local Fiscal Recovery Fund in the coming weeks.
You can view preliminary KLC estimates for city allocations here. Please note that more recent allocation figures provided by national groups contain several errors and omissions, which inflate the allocation figures for most Kentucky cities. You can go here to learn more about how cities can use the funds.
Additional federal guidance will be posted here. KLC will keep you updated when the U.S. Department of the Treasury releases more guidance and final allocations.