July 2, 2024

African American Civil Rights Preservation Grant - Due Sept. 5

USDI National Park Service grants are available to protect historic buildings and sites related to African American history. Applicants must complete the required registrations prior to applying. 

Funding is intended for preservation projects related to the African American Civil Rights movement and will fund a broad range of preservation projects for historic sites including: 

  • architectural services 
  • historic structure reports 
  • preservation plans and physical preservation to structures
  • historic districts 
  • buildings 
  • sites 
  • structures
  • objects

Eligible costs include pre-preservation studies, architectural plans and specifications, historic structure reports, preservation plans, and the repair and rehabilitation of historic properties. Properties must be listed or eligible for listing in the National Register of Historic Places or designated a National Historic Landmark, either individually or as contributing to a district, with significance associated with African American civil rights and the struggle for equality. Projects not listed in the National Register or not listed in association with African American civil rights must prepare or amend a nomination as part of the grant project.

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