The Department for Local Government (DLG) recently increased the maximum mayor and legislative body member pay for 2025.
The Internal Revenue Service adjusted its mileage reimbursement rate for business for 2025 to $0.70 per mile.
Mayors have a duty to distribute open records and open meetings publications to newly elected officials and newly appointed board or commission members.
Cities must file all required forms with the Kentucky Public Pensions Authority if rehiring retired police officers. Failure to do so could cause a serious financial issue.
Understanding the Kentucky Supreme Court’s recent decision in Shively Police Department v. Courier Journal, Inc regarding the application of certain law enforcement exemptions
UPDATE for 2024: Kentucky statutes and federal regulations enforced by agencies within the DOL require that employers post certain posters or notices in a conspicuous area.
The 2023 legislative session brought changes to how cities procure, and dispose of, city property.
Warm weather is here, and school is almost out. The need for good employees in our city remains high, and our members are looking to hire teenage workers for the summer.
Public meetings conducted by video teleconference do not require significant expense for most cities.
September is National Preparedness Month, and KLC wants to remind our members of the importance of preparing for disasters and emergencies.
The Open Meetings Act establishes a right of access to public meetings.
The Family and Medical Leave Act obligates all public entities, including cities, to provide FMLA. However, not every city will have eligible employees.
Since February 7, 2022, cities have had and will continue to have a far more difficult time securing licensing for entry-level CDL drivers.
KRS 83A.070(1) requires that a city’s legislative body set the compensation of elected city officers by ordinance by the first Monday of May in the year.
With the increased use of cell phones for quick and easy communication, what happens when a public official conducts public business through a private cell phone?
Kentucky cities and counties received over $300 million from the federal Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act.